Ashwamedhini Antaryoga
Invoke the thermodynamic Arkaashwashakti! infuse the titanic power vibrations in your inner galaxies!
Mahashyamanthaka Upavidya invites you to the threshold of the secret master key through the trantrasadhana "Ashwamedhini Antaryoga".
A new spiritual dimension of the advanced Sooryopasana. Only for senior Mithras who finished Agnikeelana.
"Naaraayanam Sooryanaaraayanam Arkanaaraayanam Poornanaaraayanam"
Ultra Spiritual Transfusion - Ashwamedhini Antaryoga
33 exiciting chapters! Pulsating initiations! Vital channeling total cleansing astounding experiences!!!
Highlights of the 2 - days advanced workshop.
- Studded connections to Shyamanthakamani through keshara Soothram linguistic beejaprayogas.
- Enhanced Hook system of yogic healings through Parjanya mudras, symbols, mantras and visualisations.
- Close up techniques to drastic healings by multiple applications of Lohakonas and kholkas, the mystic shyamanthaka tools.
- Vidyuth Matangi yantra activation and nithyasadhana to sharpen your memory power, communication skills and public relationships.
- The vibrant seven Agnihastha mudras to strengthen your chakras, immune system and stamina.
- Advanced, Bedhi mudrachihna activation and many supertips to utilize our wonderful Arkadanda.
- Ravimandap invocations to fortify your house, workplace and your auric fields.
- Advanced Swarnadhara vibrations and applications of Swarnarekha for specific purpose.
- Prakampana energy waves to wipe away Secret enemity, Grudges, Envy, Evil spells, Evil eye and Constant hurdles.
- Upanishads improvised into your total life system.
Every minute a graceful movement of joy and celebration!
After Shyamanthaka Vidya enter Graciously into Mahashyamanthaka Upavidya your are chosen by Soorya!
- Mahashyamanthaka divya mantras and mudras to enhance cosmic consciousness.
- Navagraha pacification through quick tantric remedies. Blinding Asurapalakas by chitravidya.
- Sanchara Arkadanda to carry all along.
- Vivaaha Santhana Saaphalya mantras and prayogas.
- Chitraambika advanced.
- The all powerful Ashwamedhini Antaryoga, the vedic yogic invocation of the thermodynamic Ashwashakti along with simplified Ashwamukhi mudras.
- Chanturdasa Vihangd mudras fortified by Jalatantra.
- Deeper longer/stronger Meditation formulas and many more valuable subjects!